  • 企业名称:天津华今塑料制品有限公司
  • 联系人:韩经理 
  • 电话:022-22559000/022-22559000 
  • 传真:022-82511111 
  • 地址:中国 天津 天津市宝坻区 宝坻区牛道口开发区华今路1号 
  • 纠错
 TianJin WhoKing Group headquarters are located in the center of Ring-Bohai economic circle-Tianjin. Enjoying the convenient location and the best chance that China 11th Five-year plan large-scale development of Binhai New District,WhoKing Group seizes the opportunity to develop rapidly, mainly plastic weave industry,combines industry and investment.Group holding company which owns Tianjin Huajin Plastics CO. Ltd., Tianjin Menjin Techonology Development CO. Ltd., Liaoning Shengjin Plastics CO. Ltd., Jilin Huajin Plastics CO. Ltd., Zhejiang Kaijin Trade CO. Ltd., Jiangsu Taijin Plastics CO. Ltd. and Sichuan Chengjin Plastics CO. Ltd and the other three participated shares company.The Group have 28 producting lines of plastics weave and 860 sets of round intertexture machines. It also has the capacity of doing processing works, coating, multi-color printing and color printing, for the various demands of packing in construction, chemistry, feedstuff, food, etc.The annual output of Tianjin Huajin Group is 70000 tons with yearly production value of 750 million RMB.         WhoKing Group already es an plastic weave industrial magnate within 7 years with it fast growing speed and outstanding strategy. Now the group is the top company in tianjin, the largest company in Northern China and within the topping list of China in plastic weave industry.        The qualified products and good reputation draw clients from all over the world. The products are famous throughout China meanwhile start to open its overseas market.The world's largest cement enterprises Lafarge Cement Group, Asia's largest cement enterprises Anhui Conch Group, the largest North China's largest cement enterprises Tangshan Jidong Cement Group; Prominent overseas enterprises Swedish IKEA furniture, the Japanese Pacific Cement Group, Thailand Chia Tai Group, are partners of WhoKing Group.       WhoKing Group attracts capable people with strict but personalized management pattern and unique corporate culture There are currently more than 2,300 employees, including technical and managerial staff over 450 people. WhoKing Group is a performing stage for capable people and skillful people. WhoKing Group is driving on a speedway to a higher target! Tianjin Huajin Plastics Industry Co. Ltd. Contact person:Daniel Han Add:Huajin road 1,NiuDaoKou Industrial Zone ,BaoDi District,TianJin City,China  Web: Moblie phone:+86-13802155833 Tel: 86-22-22559000 Fax:86-22-22597777 Email:tjwhoking@ QQ:490045876 MSN:nokiahan@ SKYPE:antonio87455 Trademanager:cnwhoking     您好,先生,小姐: 天津华今塑业有限公司成立于2003年,座落在天津市宝坻区牛道口工业功能园区,公司占地面积300亩,厂房面积260亩。公司地理位置优越,距中国北京机场98公里,距中国天津机场68公里,距天津新港90公里。公司以塑编为主业,集实业、投资于一体,为中国大规模塑编生产企业。集团旗下拥有控股公司天津华今塑业有限公司、天津今系塑业销售有限公司、天津美今投资控股有限公司以及东北、华东、西南三大生产基地八家工厂。 公司现有员工3500余人,研发人员50人,专门从事编织袋的研发、生产、销售。公司以6S管理法为执行标准,掌握了一套娴熟的生产工艺和科学的管理经验(先进的印刷技术),具备专业生产水泥袋、豆粕袋、麦麸袋、、棉籽粕袋、饲料袋、垃圾袋、购物袋、砂浆袋、腻子膏袋、、粮食袋、无纺布袋、AD*STAR方底阀口袋、米袋、面粉袋、开幅布卷等产品的生产实力。企业已通过ISO9001质量管理体系和QC品质控制管理体系认证。   集团公司现拥有35条国内技术水准的拉丝生产线,1260台各种型号圆织机,5条纸塑复合袋生产线,25条复膜生产线,25条滚筒印刷生产线,4条BOPP凹版彩膜印刷生产线,产品广泛用于建材、化工、饲料、粮食等产品的包装,年产量10万吨,年产值10亿元。 经过短短几年的艰苦创业,华今集团以惊人的速度,超人的胆识,已然打造成塑编行业的航母,天津,华北,中国前三。优质的产品,良好的信誉迎来八方客户,世界的拉法基水泥集团,亚洲的安徽海螺水泥集团、华北的唐山冀东水泥集团;世界大型粮油企业益海嘉里集团、中粮集团、山东山水集团、华新水泥股份有限公司、湖南韶峰集团等、华润集团;海外知名企业瑞典宜家家居、日本太平洋水泥集团、泰国正大集团等企业;秦皇岛浅野水泥、中国联合水泥集团、内蒙古乌兰水泥、内蒙古兰德水泥、山东山铝公司等,都是华今集团的合作伙伴。现在产品除了国内的广大市场外,还出口到俄罗斯、越南、泰国、菲律宾、巴基斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、美国、巴西、南非、智利等全球范围内需要各种包装袋的高质量的客户。 公司拥有多项自主知识产权、五项专利,在塑编企业独树一帜。公司具有完善的质量运行体系,采用科学的检测方法保障产品质量,被批准为水泥包装袋定点生产企业。公司秉承“以科技创新为先导、以质量争优为基石、以服务客户为中心、以诚实守信为根本”的经营理念,正以勃勃雄心、冲天豪气、锐不可当之势,向着更远大的目标挺进!    天津华今塑业有限公司 联系人:韩先生 地 址:天津市宝坻区牛道口工业功能园区华今路1号 网 站: 手 机: 13802155833 电 话:86-22-22559000 传 真:86-22-82511111 邮 箱:tjwhoking@ QQ:490045876  MSN:nokiahan@ SKYPE:antonio87455 阿里旺旺:guodongziyouren  Trademanager:cnwhoking 查看全部 »
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